In The Beginning...

Heeeey Gurl! and welcome to my first blog post. I promise I will not bore you. However, I will try to make it a point where this can become a way we can share ideas, information, share about faith in Jesus, and of course hair and makeup tips. If you asked me 15 years ago if I would be where I am today, the most probable answer would have been... "uumm no...That's crazy!"

But, here I am. A retired Navy Veteran allowing the gifts, talents, and character the Lord placed in me to simply be. Before you ask, this business has nothing to do with my Naval career. You see, that's the unpredictable, kind-of weird way the Lord works. When we outside of His will we search for life's meaning, our identity and purpose in the wrong places: our careers, relationships, friendships, money and the like. That's how we end up in jobs we don't like, married with people we don't even like. Take heart, there is purpose for your life.

Now, don't get me wrong. I enjoyed serving and I love our military. It was an honor to serve. The places my service has taken me, I would not have accomplished without it. But once I had to separate for reasons beyond my control, I thought my life was over. I shouldn't have labeled myself as simply "a sailor", or felt that everything was my Naval career. I was prideful, I was angry, without hope. Once you get up under His will, your world will be turn up-side down. Yes, it is full of ups and downs, tears and laughter, filled with regrets and comfort, but...

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not into your own understanding
— Proverbs 3: 5

It wasn't until I started trusting that everything changed. This was hard, sometimes it is still hard. This can be the case, especially for single (or married) independent women, when you have been doing all "bad by yourself" for such a long time. Today, I'm no longer a sailor, my job, people's ideas, the no so nice words said to me, even my past does not determine who I am. I AM a child of God (Romans 8:16), I AM redeemed (Psalm 107:2), I AM forgiven (Colossians 1:13,14). I AM a daughter of the One true King. I AM blessed (Ephesians 1:3). I mean I can keep going.

So, here is to the beginning. The beginning of a journey I can only see one step in front of me. The beginning of a life without fear, without regrets. The beginning of a life of faith, hope, love, joy, mercy and grace. "Oh! thy grace", "Where would I be without it?" I don't always get it right, but what I do try to is to obey. It's a journey. It is a process.

Obedience unlocks the door and the trust needed towards the next step in your walk with God
— Ima DeJesus

If you never come back to this site, can you make me a promise? Go after the things that set your soul on fire. Go after the things, that for some odd reason, you are attracted to, gifts or talents that flow... naturally. I believe it is there that you will ultimately find what you are looking for, and you will find FREEDOM, PURPOSE and feel COMPLETE.

Until next time,
