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GetCrowned Studio d/b/a, a GetCrowned Enterprises, LLC entity, is a Veteran and Woman Owned Small Business based out Hampton Roads, VA. GetCrowned Studio was established in 2013 with a clear mission: Encourage & Empower women to be bold, shine bright and look fabulous. We believe the right accessory, a new makeover and trying a new hairstyle or hair color can have the power to transform and make a woman feel like she ready to take on the world. Nevertheless, these are not the things that make a woman feel beautiful, and GetCrowned Studio is more than just "makeup and hair", thus, is Beyond Beauty.

I always enjoyed making and seeing others (specially women) just be and feel like they matter. For women, that they are beautiful. We are wives, mothers, sisters, friends, business owners...etc.., yet we often can feel overwhelmed, defeated, without purpose or destiny. We always in the search for what makes us happy, or make us feel COMPLETE. I've discovered that happiness is doing what you love, doing what you were created to be and to do, with what's already INSIDE OF YOU. Don't dismay or consider yourself less than because you like cooking for your family, or enjoy a night in with the kids. What if I tell you there is PURPOSE behind EVERYTHING you like, dislike or who and how you are. Within the will of God there is fullness and purpose and He can use the gifts already inside of us, with which we were created with, to ultimately fulfill our purpose and live COMPLETE.

That is what GetCrowned Studio is for me. A dream, a vision, that while not fully developed, I know THIS. IS. MY. HAPPY. PLACE. The place I feel I am aligned with the will of God for my life. The place where I know He can use me and my gifts to reach others and be a witness of the goodness and plans of God for His daughters.

The Crowned Collection is a collection of luxury hair units designed with today's trends and styles in mind. These units are highly customized and come ready to wear. There are full lace, 360 lace and front lace unit to accommodate all customers and budgets.

My favorite part, makeup. I don't know about you, but when I put on some foundation, even some simple lip gloss, or my hair is DONE, in the midst of undertaking everyday tasks of a full-time job, motherhood, or business ownership, I feel "hey, at least I look good doing it". GetCrowned Studio offers hair and makeup services for all occasions.

While I love “all things pink”, there is also jewelry accessories and each woman has their own preference when it comes to an accessory's color and design. Therefore, colorful, fun, unique, simple and bold jewelry pieces are also available at GetCrowned Studio. There is a possibility that some items are on a first-come basis and be discontinued after sold. So, follow on social media and visit regularly to stay up do date on new styles.  

Why a crown? Well, I am so glad you asked. GetCrowned Studio is a Kingdom Business, or a faith-based business. While the foundation is rooted on the Word of God and the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit) I also believe on the Bible's concept of the five heavenly crowns. One of the crowns, the Crown of Life is perhaps the one I hold dear. The Crown of Life (James 1:12 & Revelation 2:10) is essentially a reward of faithfulness in this life. We are all Daughters of The King, princesses, worthy of a crown. Therefore, GetCrowned Studio commits to inspire women to live a bold life (Joshua 1:9), a life without fear, in pursue of their destiny, to receive the never-ending promises from their Father. Essentially, we look forward to one day appear before our Father casting our crowns before him in awe and worship (Revelation 4: 10-11). I am beyond blessed to share GetCrowned Studio with you in this adventure we call life as we pursue identity, purpose and be a good steward of the life we have been given.

Be Bold. Be Crowned.

Gracias por visitarnos. Hablamos Español!

Your sister in Christ,
